Hair loss is a common problem in men and women, although its origin is different. This concept is very important because when choosing a treatment, it must have been established which is the cause of hair loss. In society today increasingly enhances the physical appearance, so many people devote special care to your image.
One aspect is difficult to preserve the hair, as in recent years is increasing the prevalence of baldness in both men and women. There is more consultation; more demand for care and treatment consequently more offers various strategies to combat hair loss.
Among the natural solutions for treating hair loss include the following:
- Prefer cold or warm water to wash the hair because the heat expands the pores and triggers the production of tallow (when in excess causes hair loss).
- In cases of oily scalp, you have to use degreasing substances (eg Arnica).
- Shampoo to clean the scalp, including recommended is lemon-based compound that can be applied to the hair with a light massage. It also helps prevent dandruff often accompanies hair loss
- Homemade cream with vegetables (slug Abacate), olive oil and eggs, stimulating the growth and vitality of hair.
- Application of ampoules of vitamin A, with gentle massage on the scalp to give hair strength.
- Self-massage of 20 minutes duration on the scalp to improve the local oxygen daily.