Despite the fact that most people thing hair loss is more of an overtly male disease, the truth is that almost 40 % of hair loss sufferers are women, accordingly to the American Hair Loss Association.
It is normal to lose about one hundred hairs per day, but a sudden and unexpected hair loss of more strands is a reason to be concerned. Women can lose hair due to various causes, from aging, nutrition deficiencies and certain diseases, and the manifestations can seriously harm their self-confidence.
As you probably already know, hair grows from its follicle about a half-inch every month. Each hair strand develops for almost 2-6 years, which is the active growth or anagen phase. The resting phase, also known as catagen phase, is a transitional period that lasts almost 2 weeks. In this phase, hair follicle shrinks and the hair strand is no longer nourished. The hair falls out during the telogen phase, which lasts almost 2-3 months. In this period, the follicles remain dormant, then they fall out and new hair shafts will begin to emerge. Once the telogen phase is complete, it will begin the anagen phase.
But more hair strands can enter in telogen phase at the same time, causing more hair strands to fall out. Women can be affected by hair loss or alopecia due to various reasons, including:
Hormonal factors – Dihydrotestosterone, a derivate of the male hormone called testosterone, attaches to follicles and causes the type of hair loss called androgenetic alopecia, commonly called female pattern baldness. In this type of hair loss, heredity plays a significant role; some scientific studies have shown that almost 70% of women and 95% of men affected by it inherited this condition from someone in their family tree. When this condition affects men, it is called male pattern baldness.
Dihydrotestosterone binds to receptors in scalp follicles, blocking their nutrition and causing follicles miniaturization. Hormonal imbalances due to high levels of stress, menopause, pregnancy and childbirth lead to high levels of Dihydrotestosterone, hence the hair follicles shrink, hairs grow finer, thinner and shorter, until some follicles even stop growing new hairs. In most cases, women affected by androgenetic alopecia experience a diffuse thinning of the entire area of their scalp, while men have distinct patterns of baldness.
Medical conditions – Almost 30 different medical conditions can lead to hair loss in women. Thyroid diseases, fever, ovulation problems, infections, hormone imbalances, polycystic ovary syndrome, skin diseases and disorders, lupus, diabetes, cancer, liver disease and anemia are some of the possible causes of hair loss in women. As soon as these medical conditions are treated, hair is likely to grow back again on its own. But in many cases of hair loss the cause cannot be determined and hair often grows back just as sudden and unexpected as it fell down.
Medications – Some drugs used for treating depression, cancer, arthritis, high blood pressure or for heart problems can cause hair loss in women. Steroid medications, antibiotics, birth control pills and sleeping pills can have an impact on hormone production, causing diffuse hair thinning in women.
Other causes – Weight gain or loss, low protein diets, low calorie diets, high levels of Vitamin A, hair-pulling disorder, physical or emotional shock and even bad hair care practices can lead to hair loss in women. A great change such as a sudden weight loss or a great emotional shock produces modifications in the entire body, so hormonal imbalances can make more hair strands enter in telogen phase at the same time and women will notice that their hair is falling down.
Pulling hair too tightly, taking steamy showers, using too often hot styling tools, combing or brushing wet hair, drying it aggressively with towels and wearing tight hairstyles will damage hair strands and weaken the follicles, leading to hair loss. Excessive tension on the hair follicles will harm them, appearing scars that can even destroy them permanently.
A good nutrition plan and healthy eating practices are mandatory for the overall health, not just for the health of hair and follicles. Severe hair loss is actually one of the top symptoms of anorexia, while low protein diets will also result in hair loss. Hair requires proper levels of vitamins, minerals, proteins, amino acids and other nutrients, so following a healthy diet will certainly improve the appearance of hair.
The good news is that all forms of hair loss caused by these factors can be treated with Provillus. This natural hair growth treatment has two different formulas, destined for women and for men, and the natural ingredients included get to the root of the problem, repair follicles, nourish scalp, block what damages hair and stimulate regrowth of healthy hair.
Do not let your hair be affected by anything. Use Provillus and enjoy the regrowth of healthy hair in a natural way!

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